We build enterprise risk management programs the right way.

Trusted Risk Management Services

Advisory Services

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program Development, Third-party Risk Management (TPRM) Program Development, Program Maturity Benchmarking

Internal and External Risk Assessments

ERM Program Assessments, TPRM Program Assessments, Vendor Risk Assessments

Trusted Training

Risk Management Training, Risk Assessment Training, Subject Matter Expert speaking Engagements

Angela Dogan



Dedicated Services

Ms. Dogan has spent the last 16 years enabling leading financial services organizations to address third-party cybersecurity and business risks in successful, programmatic ways. She serves on the Steering Committee of the member-led Shared Assessments Program, aiding in setting the direction and vision of the program as well as the development of standardized resources which are now widely used in third party risk assurance.

Facts You Should Trust

Happy Clients
Success Rate
Risks Prevented


Over the last decade, Angela Dogan has been instrumental in building Shared Assessments Program’s third-party risk management tools and guides. She has worked diligently, serving over the years as a contractor, employee, and member volunteer, with our Development Committees, Steering Committee, and other teams.
-Robin Slade, COO & EVP, The Santa Fe Group, Shared Assessments Program


Her ability to work collaboratively with practitioners, C-suite, and boards have been valuable to our efforts to achieve workable constructs that serve as the backbone of third party risk management today.

-Robin Slade, COO & EVP, The Santa Fe Group, Shared Assessments Program

Looking for trusted risk management services?

White Papers and Articles

Third Party Contract Development, Adherence and Management

The Board’s Role in Realizing Effective Risk Management

The Value of Virtual Assessments

Please call 864.382.8167 for more information or send us a message.

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